How To Pull Off A Killer Engagement Session.

Whether it’s you’re first-time taking photos with your significant other or you’ve done it a million times before I’m here to help. For a lot of us, the engagement session is the first time you’ve had your photograph professionally taken.

Sorry school pictures don’t count.

It’s also probably the first time you’re working with the photographer you’ve hired for your wedding. So sit tight I’m coming at you with some useful tips, tricks and good-hearted advice to make those engagement photos shine!

I hear from a lot of my clients that their nervous to have their picture taken. I’m here to let you know not to be! Nothing bad is going to happen. I can promise you your photographer wants you to look as good as you feel. A good photographer will deliver the best of the best to you. So don’t spend your time worrying about “unflattering angles” it’s not worth your energy! I want you to spend your energy connecting with your partner if you do this the images are bound to turn out killer!

This time is about you two, I can guarantee you this will the most you’ll ever look at each other. That’s something I hear a lot from my clients. Just know, my goals are to document you two in a more casual way other than your wedding day. To inject a little personality into your session, include family members, such as your dog, cat, or even your children if you want. And to get you comfortable working alongside me as your photographer.

How To Pull Off A Killer Engagement Session edmonton wedding photographer

So here we go. Tip numero-uno!


I already touched on this above, if you’re tense it’ll come through in your pictures. I get it, having a camera in your face can be really uncomfortable for some. Soon you won’t even notice it’s there, the clicking camera sounds will just become white noise. I tell my couples the first 15 minutes of our session will definitely feel out of the ordinary as I get used to the way you two interact with each other and we shake off our nerves. It goes away I promise you!

Another little secret weapon I have up my sleeve, treat yourself out to a cocktail or two before we meet up. Now don’t get too silly on me but you’re already likely done up for our pictures, why not go out to dinner and share a bottle of wine! I have recommended this to clients in the past who had a blast at our session because of it and thanked me later for the suggestion. So this trick for sure works! Tried and tested.

How To Pull Off A Killer Engagement Session edmonton wedding photographer

Adventure and play.

Think like you’re a kid again. This is your opportunity to try some really crazy ideas, and if you have me as your photographer trust me I’ll probably have some out of the box ideas for you. We love movement! So I’ll likely have you on your feet a lot, and I’ll certainly give you some cues to get that great genuine laugh out of both of you. But think of this as a time to explore, get loose and play! This is sure to get you those Instagram worthy images that you’re really excited to share with your friends and family.

Get your hair and makeup professionally done.

Use the hair and makeup artist you plan on using for your wedding. If you don’t have them selected yet, reach out to me or your photographer. We’ve worked with dozens of talented professionals in the past and we would be so happy to give you their names so we can work with them again.

An added bonus to this is that you’ll feel pampered, in turn feeling more confident. You’ll see a running theme here, confidence is key to a killer engagement session.

How To Pull Off A Killer Engagement Session edmonton wedding photographer

Wear comfortable clothing that’ll make you feel confident.

If you’re not someone who wears heels on a regular base, don’t wear them! Don’t feel pressured to wear them just because you think you should. I’m not saying don’t dress up, you absolutely should! But make sure it’s you! The number one thing I get asked from clients is what should I wear? My answer is always, wear whatever makes you feel most confident. Maybe that’s not the direct answer you want to hear but it’s true. Compliment your partner and their clothing choices but by no means do you two have to match. Ask them what they like to wear, really make is collaboration and have some fun.

edmonton wedding photographer

And there you have it. How to pull off a killer engagement session.

  • Spend your energy connecting with your partner.
  • Include your personalities as a couple, books you love, your dog, a location that’s special to you two.
  • Relax so you don’t look tense, relax your hands and jaw.
  • Treat yourself out to a cocktail or two before your session.
  • Movement! Think adventure and play with your partner like a kid.
  • Get pampered and boost your confidence by getting your hair and makeup professionally done.
  • Be comfortable. Wear something that’ll make you feel good.
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