This is something I’ve been thinking about, so here it goes. Why you need a better headshot!

Think of your headshot like a handshake, it’s the first impression people make of you. Especially in today’s world, everyone and everything is online, so your iPhone photo isn’t cutting it anymore! We all know first impressions last if you shake someone’s hand and it’s dull or meek you may come across as less impressive, professional or even worse you may seem uninterested in the person you’re meeting. Your headshot sends the same signal today! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve browsed LinkedIn and seen less than professional images representing people. Dingy, pixelated images, with messy backgrounds and even selfies, are not proficient.

So now that we’ve determined that getting your coworker to use your phone’s camera isn’t the solution because it’s sending the wrong message to your potential customers, business partners, etc. What are you going to do? Hire a professional photographer, we come with the expertise to guide you properly in a session to get the best image possible. You would think that that would be a no brainer, but not every photographer knows just how to get what you’re looking for.


I like to find out a little more about my clients, I want them to feel comfortable. That’s got to be the number one key thing! I like to walk them through the process, whether I’ve been asked to come into an office, set up in a boardroom and do a series of employees in a row, or I’m meeting a client one-on-one, the process is the same. It seems to me that a lot of people get very nervous in front of the camera, we have terrible flashbacks to school photos where we rocked a terrible haircut, we had no self-confidence.

A good headshot can completely change the way you see yourself. I want you to look and feel your best, I will help pose you, I want you to feel relaxed! Trust me if you’re nervous it will likely show through in the final image. I will help you select your outfits, guide you on who to hire for a trusted hair and makeup artist. I will use a soft and bright light, I want you smiling and looking directly at my lens. Editing truly to colours you’re wearing, nothing distracting in the background, no grey skin tones.

So don’t be afraid to tell me what you’re insecure about, we all have insecurities. If you have an unfortunate zit that day let me know! Therefore I can address it in my post-production of your images. I want to take a variety of images for you different angles, different backdrops even! All of this and more are things I’m keeping in mind to get you that great headshot so that you can make a lasting and professional first impression online. Which today, is our version of a good first handshake!

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